
Simplified Medical Care For Everyone

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The all-in-one app for doctors and patients to stay connected and informed about their health.


Say goodbye đź‘‹ to fragmented communication and hello to streamlined healthcare with VocalMD.

With VocalMD, doctors and patients can easily keep track of the medications being taken, as well as any other health issues that may arise. This allows for seamless communication between the care team and patients or family members, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

In addition to medication management, VocalMD also allows for shared notes and articles to be exchanged, providing patients with valuable educational resources that can help them better understand their condition and treatment options.

But that’s not all - with VocalMD, doctors can also view the other doctors that are treating the patient, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of their overall health.

For Physicians

Enhance the patient-doctor relationship.
Improve outcomes with stronger connections.

Make medical communication as easy as possible.

Our app makes it easy for doctors and patients to communicate and stay connected. With secure messaging and the ability to share medical information, doctors and patients can stay in touch and make informed decisions together.

Share articles and personalized summaries with your patients.

VocalMD is the ultimate tool for doctors and patients to stay connected and informed. With our app, doctors can share articles with their patients and create personalized summaries to help them better understand the information.

Simplify medication management and improve patient care.

VocalMD is a game-changer for medication management, making it easy for doctors and patients to stay on top of their prescriptions and treatments. Our app enables doctors to manage their patients’ medications more efficiently and effectively, ensuring that they’re receiving the best possible care.

Financial incentives for a better healthcare experience.

We appreciate your support in helping us create a better healthcare experience. To show our gratitude, we offer financial incentives for every patient that you invite to VocalMD. You’ll be contributing to the advancement of healthcare technology, and also be rewarded for your efforts.

For Patients

Connects you with your doctor.
Improve communication for better health outcomes for you and your family.

Instant & group communication with all your physicians.

VocalMD makes communication with your physicians quick and easy, allowing you to message your doctors instantly and even communicate with them as a group. With our instant and group communication feature, you can get the answers you need, faster than ever before.

Stay informed and connected with your loved ones’ health.

VocalMD is more than just an app for patients and doctors – it’s also an app for families. Our app enables family members to stay informed and up-to-date on their loved ones’ medical information and treatments, so they can provide the best possible support.

Easily find and stay connected with your healthcare providers.

VocalMD makes it easy to stay connected with your healthcare providers, giving you the ability to find and connect with the doctors you already know and trust. Our app enables patients to search for and connect with healthcare providers, access medical records, and receive updates on treatments and medications

Stay informed, stay connected,
stay healthy - with VocalMD.